I finished my first milling project on the TAIG mill, really simple modification of an airsoft scope i had laying around. I bought some fiber optic cable online, opened the ACOG scope with Torx T10. I then milled out a through hole on the LED fixture internally, I also put a hole in the top of the ACOG to run the fiber optic cable through. Threading the fiber optic cable through resulted in this dot. It is still fully adjustable via thumb screws. This scope now works in nearly all conditions, with exception to nighttime. It does work at dusk. I'd argue it works better than an LED during a bright day.
On a second note, I decided to machine the wood frame I had planned on cnczone. This wood frame consists of only 2x4's. A very cost efficient design. HEAVY though, and lots of wood. Since it doesn't cost very much, and I want to get a move on, i'm making it with the intent to upgrade the machine with a fully design 8020 aluminum extrusion frame later. So I bought a hitachi miter saw, and went to work on about 9 pieces of 2x4's 8' long. 45 minutes later I had all the pieces cut. WOW this was so much faster than the circular saw i was using before.