Thursday, May 3, 2012

New hobby!

A friend of mine, David had a single wing R/C Glider. We went out and had a grand time flying it around. So after seeing that, I got "the R/C bug." I immediately started researching it and decided to buy a Micro DLG hand thrown glider. I wanted something light weight, durable, and would teach me to fly without being too costly.
My Micro DLG assembled
While it was unclear at the time, I bought what I thought were the correct accessories. I was mistaken and bought the wrong size receiver. It had a 2s battery not a 1s to drive it, so i bought a second receiver that was the correct one and built it after about 2-3 weeks of waiting for parts etc.. Here are the correct items I ended up using for this plane:

- Micro DLG Glider kit
- Spektrum DX6i radio ($160 shipped)
- Spektrum SPMAR6400T DSM Ultra Micro Receiver with Two Brushed ESC's ($60)
- (Extra battery) Two F-lite 1S 3.7V 150 mAh ($10?)
- Stuff from hardware store (superglue, glue sticks, glue gun, strapping tape, and double sided tape)

SuperCub - compared to 1 gallon milk jug
A week later, I also bought a Supercub LP from for about $170. This was the recommended plane by the gentleman I spoke to at the store. Mind was the bind'n'fly version since I already had a Spektrum DX6i. Boy was this thing big! This was an excellent learners plane, but don't underestimate the wind. I also bought a cable so I could run the free simulator. It was a GWS FMS Cable with 1/8" Mono Plug for JR (GWFSM002B) This $20 purchase was well worth it! RC Desk pilot was perfect with it. I would highly recommend this purchase and practicing several hours before flying your motor powered plane!!! I spent about 4 hours on it, and practiced landing a bunch and got to about a 90% landing rate, I even found the exact model plane for the simulator. It was remarkably good practice for the real thing!