Thursday, July 9, 2020

Diving head first... Astrophotography!

Canon T4i with new 300 mm telephoto lens
We'll I've thrown myself into the deep end again. This time its astrophotography... Struggling to get a successful image stack of any kind for the past three days. I've been trying my hand @ doing image stacking using my Canon T4i DSLR with static tripod setup pointed at some bright stars in city limits with very low expectations. I must be a crazy person - running out into the neighborhood in the middle of the night with my camera...

I just wanted to go through the motions and see if I could get a stack even if its ugly! I've used standard telephoto lenses @135mm and @300mm zoom and long exposures (5-15 seconds per shot) and attempted to combine with deepskystacker (using both dark's and lights). I tried on vega, denab, and arcturas as my focal spots because they stood out in the sky.

I've made mistakes and gained a lesson from each:
Arcturas - short exposure (1s)
(1) Arcturas - super duper cloudy - probably wasn't worth shooting at all, because i could barely make it out with my own eyes, and camera only picked up like 5 stars at most. Did it anyway cause I need to get my hands dirty. (lots of 1 second exposures) Probably didn't expose long enough to pick up anything meaningful.
Vega - too long an exposure (30s)
(2) Vega - a little better of a night partially cloudy - whisps of clouds went across some of the photos, but in hindsight all my photos were exposed too long (30 seconds) and the stars streaked. I also forgot to manually set it off of auto-iso for pretty much all the data.
(3) Denab - Clear night - visibility index was 23% (my gf told me from some app - no idea what) Neighbors turning on/off lights, i ignored this, and tried to move where in the neighborhood lights weren't directly blaring at the lens. Looking at the pictures, it seems obvious that I wasn't focused right. This was the first night i transition from the 18-135mm lens to the 75-300mm lens, so lots more zoom, but I guess cause I ddin't zoom in on the screen i couldn't tell that it wasn't focused...
Deneb - Focus it stupid!

Oooof! This is a slog. Regardless of throwing these stacks of 100- 170 photos into deepskystacker, I can't get it to produce a single stacked image it can never figure out how to combine more than one image? Can't fault the software when you have crappy input. I guess it can't register the pictures cause it can't find the stars? And so the journey continues...

PS - I just bought this EQ6-R Mount from Agena AstroProducts. It was a tough choice between agena and High Point Scientific. Simple fiscal difference made it simple. Probably going to shoot with my camera and these standard lenses while i hunt for the right Celestron EdgeHD... Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Git tipsheet

Great GIT tip sheet here:

The following are git commands that I found useful:

To create a new branch with your existing content (you're already linked to a remote origin)
git checkout -b newbranchname

To see difference between branches:
git diff gitlogid file_that_you_want_to_see_diff

To merge two branches:
git merge

To look at git log more carefully:
git log --oneline --graph --all