Sunday, October 18, 2009

Focus shifting back to the CNC

With daily homework from ethics and micro-econ keeping me at bay, I have little time to focus on the classes i really want to pour my heart into - CNC class and manufacturing planning.

I am shifting my extra-curricular focus back to completing the CNC machine. There are two major issues to tackle at this point:

-Research, and Redesign frame for rigidity (likely a Gantry setup build)
-Consider, select, and integrate head design (we don't know whether we will build troy's spindle or buy an aftermarket solution)

I previously was concerned with opto-isolation, but after this forum post on cnczone I'm not as concerned with it. I will do what is called common grounding/bonding which is as described in the thread involves using the same ground for both the computer and stepper powersupply circuit. It is rumored that this helps remove noise interference issues by making both the same potential.

I'm doing research on the various gantry configurations others are using and considering ballscrew/rail placement. The technical difficulty i'm facing is that we selected such a large z-axis. This means it may look like a tower when it's done... Hmm more on this as i find things out.

Back to homework!

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