Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Motor mounts, and frame progress.

After bringing all the components back to the senior project lab in school, and getting permission from various school officials to work on this project. I laid everything out. I loosely attached all the components to their mounting boards, and semi-permanently drilled drywall screws to attach the mounting boards to the 2x4 frames. This required a great deal of pre-drilling to ensure nothing cracked.

Using scrap 2x4s i machined some blocks to affix the y to the x axis. The
manner in which i assemble everything requires some careful thought. I put this on the back-burner to see if i want to make a solid aluminum plate design instead. You can see how the y axis will rest on the x when complete

These are some motors mounts i machined out of some scrap steel. One side is not flat, so it could be an alignment issue in the future, but it was a good exercise none-the-less.

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