Monday, December 16, 2019

First Oculus Quest App!

After fighting with several ADB driver issues, reinstalling unity, restarting, unplugging, replugging, adb kill-server, adb start-server commands I finally figured out how to get my own unity projects loaded into this device. In unity, I used the default/built android SDK tools that can be enabled during the install of unity. I had it working then did a firmware upgrade on my quest and everything broke. Then I installed Android SDK (studio) app thinking this would help. This may have helped with some adb version errors (41 instead of 40) that were coming with unity. By installing that, and then updating my environment variable to include the folder for platform-tools that contains adb.exe it appears to have helped with the version issue.

In addition to this, the key to getting it to show up in the command adb devices (where there were no listed devices) but I could see it in windows and navigate files was to go into the oculus app on my phone and re-enable developer mode. I had already done this before but because of the oculus firmware update, I think it resets it back to off. I was pulling my hair out trying to fix something with adb drivers when this is all I likely needed to get it working.

I did some quick write up to control my player model and then realized there was already a pretty decent player controller script that came with the prefab so I threw away my code and am starting with theirs until I find a specific need to revamp it. (just wanted to walk around anyway). A few assets later and a quick load and I have a fun looking scene! I can't wait to show my GF!

Now I've built and deployed apps for; HoloLens, Quest, and Vive! Cool! Gotta keep creating.

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