Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to move docker data directory to another location on Ubuntu

I ran out of space on my root drive as i downloaded some NGC docker containers on my linux box. I immediately needed to free some space up. With a 8GB docker image, something needed to move.

This lets you move it to another drive - which is the reason I was doing it, my root directory ran out of space. Then I made a ubuntu install thumbdrive and booted ubuntu from the drive. This is sometimes called a "live linux boot disk".
(1) I shrunk my windows partition so there was room for the expansion using windows disk management.
(2) Then I used gparted to do two operations to expand the size of my root drive. Apparently I couldn't just expand the root partition, i had to do a "move left" operation first into the hard drive space I had freed up, then I did a right expansion on my root partition which worked! (I couldn't do it in one operation - gparted gives errors.)

Delightfully gparted comes with ubuntu!

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