Saturday, September 5, 2009

Solidworks at the beach!

Oh yes, I went to the beach with the family this week, and spent some time just getting some old fashioned work done. I treated our deck with an oil, then after the chore sat down for some intimate time with Solidworks!

I sought out to roughly model up the frame for our CNC machine. The purpose for modeling the frame is so we are clear on our dimensions, plans, and specifically to ensure we buy the right ballscrews. I got it roughly halfway done. It was a lot of work switching between specifications looked up online, a slow solidworks computer, and the occasional realization that I would have to make my own assumptions in order to completely model it. This was a large amount of time and effort, here's some screenshots of what I was working on:

Despite all the effort i was only able to roughly map out the X and Y axis. But they move smoothly, and it was made with 75% actual dimensions! This sort of project makes you REALLY appreciate what parametric modeling does for you. I was able to get the design concept done despite a lack of a few dimensions. I turned over the files to Troy to see what he could do with the model. The Z-axis still needs to be done, and we are concerned about its deflection since the head would have to extend out 15" to reach the full working potential of our Y-axis.

Hopefully, we can order the ballscrews soon. I did receive the VXB spindle bearings from ebay last week. We are waiting on VFD esque controller Troy selected for our Treadmill motor, which essentially is a fancy potentiometer that we can control with the computer. I did a rough price estimate of the Bosch extrusions to be around 200$ with end machining - not bad. I imagine it will be a bit more by the time we are done. The mic6 plate will cost a good chunk too - i imagine like 200$. Oh well, so much is the price for extreme goodness!

I also spent some good time learning/grinding through some 3D milling as shown on the part above. Boy there is so much to learn! I feel almost overwhelmed with the magnitude of project potential that seems to consistently stare me in the face. I want to build the world! Alas, I am but one man. That won't keep me from trying though :P

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