Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Airsoft Business on its feet

Airsoft Business
I visited the USPS post office today and figured out the shipping details for the airsoft products that I've developed. After figuring that, and some tests with the hopup arms that I developed; I released it to the public. After a few sales, I quickly discovered why secretary's are useful for this sort of work (it takes a surprisingly large chunk of time and effort.) I now have a newfound respect for them. It is so rewarding to see a product you've developed being distributed to help others with their goals. (Albiet, that is for playing airsoft lol)

CNC Progress
We fairly accurately priced out several of the future components we need. From this assessment the total cost of the CNC will be around 1733$. So split among our team that will be 577$ per person. Not bad.

Pricing the frame was interesting, because we decided to make it almost entirely of a aggregate/resin mix. We will use what is called "play sand" found at your local hardware store for about 5$/50 lbs. We estimated a "log" geometry where it will be formed from a series of legs that are connected together with a log geometry of 4"x4"x35" we overestimated a required volume of about 840 in^3 for the composite frame. With about 20% resin usage that puts us at a required resin volume of 4 gallons. (924 in^3) The cost of resin is about 200$ for that much. If we get lucky and can get away with only 2 gallons which would be ideal because that would insure a good dampening effect from the frame.

I think a good mixing idea would be to mix the resin without hardener in the aggregate mix before adding the hardener, that way we can ensure the resin is fully distributed through the aggregate.

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