Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back to school! Hiatus

Hey folks!

I've just started the school year off again, and things are getting busy. I have the CNC project looming over my head, which I anticipate will pick up speed in a few weeks to a month because I am waiting to get permission to use the good equipment in the shop. I also have to wait till my folks, bring the various CNC components down. Right now I think our team is dang close to our initial budget estimate. This makes me happy :) We have 300$ left, and I anticipate a little over 500$ for all the frame components. I want to account for the "mistake" factor as an additional 200$, I'm sure tooling will take a bit too.

I have started a fairly involved project with my Mfg Analysis & Planning class. Joe has brought in a local business masalaspices for us to work with. We are acting like a consulting firm would and helping them make their business more efficient. I'm sure it will provide us with some invaluable real world experience.

My Numerical Control Programming course is looking to be very exciting! It's really building on all the things I've learned this summer. We'll see how it goes! I'm really going to focus on excelling in this class, as it is developing into my passion. I feel like a kid at disneyland in that class, while some of my classmates have trouble staying awake. lol. They don't realize how powerful what we are learning is... Muahaha

I'm figuring out shipping logistics while at school here for my small airsoft business as well. I developed a few new unique products that are under a healthy demand. So i'll have to stay on top of that while doing all the classes and projects.

I've signed up for an exercise class with some friends, so I'm going to try and stay physically and mentally fit this term. I just need to be careful not to add anything more to my plate (which i love to do...) With that in mind, I'm going to put this blog on a low priority. I really want to have a successful term in every way. That's why I won't be as active on this. Sorry!

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