Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Progress on CNC design

After wasting most of the day with friends, I got down to work late at night. I have been writing a program to effectively choose ballscrews, stepper motors (particularly this), and gear ratios (if they are necessary.) After doing some reading for the past few days, i've come to have a much better understanding of stepper motors, torque, pulses per second, microstepping and the relationship between these design variables. The following are good reads to get you on your way for selecting a stepper setup for your machine.

Here is a screenshot of the program i've been working on to optimize the design features of our CNC machine build. In this case i've used it to determine the maximum feedrate of 295 IPM, according to the Torque vs. PPS chart the stepper should be yielding around 0.3 N/M of torque in a direct drive configuration. Using gear ratios, and manipulating the microstepping ratio I may be able to increase the torque for a mid to high range feedrate. As it stands 300 IPM is a bit unncessary for the metal working we'd be doing. I'll have to go over cutting forces to see if everything falls into spec. As it stands i know the linear rail system will certainly take the required loads, so the only question is if the stepper's can maintain enough torque, and if the ballscrews can take the required axial loads. (We looked up dynamic and static loads for some example ballscrews at THK and NSK)

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