Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today I went to the techshop with Bryan again, he accomplished a lot. I made some progress too by finishing all the milling work required for my fly cutter. But not before i broke my 2nd Niagara End mill! Gosh I feel stupid, this time it was definitely my fault. Oh well 25$ later and a hard learned lesson. Don't climb mill. Ever. I don't know what possessed me to think it would be ok. The picture below shows how it grab my part and torqued it in the vice. The mistake chipped off two flutes.

I used a 1/2" niagara 2 flute cutter to finish things off, boy was that doing a much better job at taking material off. It "felt" better too. The finish wasn't quite as smooth as cuts by the four flute, but the difference was negligible. With this cutter I faced off both sides of the fly cutter, so all that remains is 3 drill and tap operations, and i'll have a fully functional fly cutter!

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